Join us for the PTA General Meeting on Nov 7th at 6:30-8:00 PM in the Lafayette Cafeteria. In addition to PTA business and administrative updates, we will have special guest speakers Cherlynne Crowther (Liberate Disability), Alden Alvarado (Lafayette Tutoring and Advanced Learning), and Karianne Bolma and Brianna Allen (Lafayette Resources Program) to give an overview and answer your questions about educational programs such as:
Advanced Learning
504 Plans
Special Education
Extended Resource
What do these programs entail? What does the school do? What should you be doing? We understand how confusing these programs can all be, and we want to give our Lafayette Community an opportunity to learn more and ask questions.
CHILDCARE: Childcare will be provided in the gym, supervised by responsible middle school students, so feel free to bring them along to play while you attend the meeting.
We hope you can join us in person, but if not, please join us on Zoom:
All are welcome! You do not need to be a PTA member to attend.