At the June 15th PTA meeting, you voted in our next year's PTA Board Members and we are SO fortunate to have the following volunteers leading Lafayette in the 23/24 school year:
Executive Board
President - Becky Brownlee
VP - Tony Palmieri
Treasurer - Megan Tegen
Treasurer - Erin Roubik
Secretary - Laura Monsey
Secretary - Sarah Kleiman
Board of Directors
Communications - Lia Aprile
Communications (Web) - Tanya Gardiner
Events - Sara and Kyle Davis
Membership - Sara Winkle
Room Parent Coordinator - Chad Young
DEI - Sadie Schnitzler
Fundraising - Nikki Rice
Legislative - Michelle Demers
SpEd - Jordan Hammack
Past President - Christy Pudduck
At-Large - Kirsten Franklin-Temple
At-Large - Alana Holmquist
Congratulations to the incoming leadership and THANK YOU to all of the outgoing PTA Board Members!
Volunteerism is at the core of what makes Lafayette great, and our school would not work without the dedication and caring of everyone who gives even the tiniest amount of themselves to this space of learning and community. If you are interested in helping in any way, big or small, please reach out to the PTA to find a way to plug in and make a difference! You might even have a little fun while doing it.