Lafayette Fall ‘24 Clothing Swap

Lafayette Clothing Swap! 

Kiddos growing out of their clothes? Need a fresh look to start the new school year but don’t want to spend the money?  Look no further! 

This Fall, Lafayette will hold its first ever clothing swap! So, during this summer break, don’t let those too small, gently worn items go, save them for our exchange! 

DID YOU KNOW that the average American sends 81.5 pounds of clothing to the landfill each year? Swapping clothes instead of throwing them out and buying new ones reduces greenhouse gas emissions caused by clothing consumption and waste all while saving your household money and helping our community on the whole. 

We will hit the ground running in September with a school wide clothing swap. 

More info to come in September. Until then, HAPPY SUMMER!


‘24-25 Back to School Events


VOLUNTEER: Summer Garden Watering