VOLUNTEER: General PTA Meeting
Interested in Volunteering to provide complimentary childcare during the General PTA meetings? Email us!
Good Society Dine Out - March 14th
Join us the second Tuesday of each month to dine out at Good Society for a good cause. Please mention "Lafayette" when ordering.
YEARBOOK: Upload your Candid Photos!
The yearbook committee is looking for CANDID PHOTOS from this school year! We’re asking the Lafayette community to please upload candid photos for us to include in this year’s yearbook. Thank you!
Last Call for Early Bird Auction Tickets! Price Increase March 1st!
Get your auction tickets before prices go up on March 1st! Tickets are now available!
$130/couple ( 2 guests with shared bib number)
Secure a table of 10 for $650
Join us for Lafayette’s first ever Family Trivia Night on February 28th at 6:30pm! Categories will challenge the little ones as well as their adults, and the evening is sure to be fun. Teams can consist of up to 8 players. Event is BYOD - Bring Your Own Dinner (or snacks) – no food or drinks will be sold/provided. Please RSVP and sign up to help!
PTA Meeting Recap: Feb 13, 2023
Thank you to all for attending the PTA General meeting on Monday, 2/13/23. For those of you who were unable to attend, you were missed! We learned a LOT from Casie Dimsey on Lafayette’s Safety Policies & Procedures! Hope to see you all at the next one!
Spring Enrichment is Coming!
Spring Enrichment is coming in April! What classes would you love to see available for Lafayette kiddos this spring?? Let us know in this brief survey!
Math Night, presented by Mathnasium: Feb 16th
Join us in the Lafayette Cafeteria on 2/16 at 6:30pm for Math Night, presented by Mathnasium of West Seattle. RSVP Here!
Mission Cantina Dine Out: Feb 15th
Dine Out at Mission Cantina on Feb 15th. Mention “Lafayette” when ordering!
Why is Black History Month in February?
February marks the start of Black History Month, a federally recognized celebration of the contributions African Americans have made to this country and a time to reflect on the continued struggle for racial justice.
Girls on the Run Signups Open!
Girls in grades 3, 4, and 5 are invited to participate in the Spring Season of Girls on the Run! We are looking to create a Lafayette team of 6-12 girls. Sign-ups open until March 20th.
Lafayette Spirit Day: HAT DAY on Friday, Feb. 10th
Wear your wild and silly hats to school on Friday February 10th!
Last Call for Lost & Found!
Check out the lost & found in front of the school before FRIDAY, February 10th. Anything left will be donated.
General PTA Meeting - Feb 13th
General PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30 in the Lafayette Cafeteria: Safety Measures and Protocols at Lafayette with Assistant Principal, Casie Dimsey.
VOLUNTEER: Math Night - Feb 16th
Join us in the Lafayette Cafeteria on 2/16 at 6:30pm for Math Night, presented by Mathnasium of West Seattle. RSVP Here!