PTA Meeting Recap: 5/4/2023
Thank you for making Staff Appreciation Week so successful for all of your teachers and support staff. We thank you also for attending the Lafayette General PTA meeting last week on 5/4/23. If you did not attend, we reviewed, voted, & approved the proposed budget for the 2023/2024 school year, received an update from the Rock of Ages Auction, and discussed open PTA Board Positions. Here are a few highlights to keep you in the loop. Hope to see you all at the next one!
YEARBOOK: Deadline Extended!
Order your yearbook and help us design the cover - now through May 15, 2023!
The 2022-2023 Lafayette Elementary yearbook is a full-color book of special memories of students and staff. Order your copy now through May 15, 2023! The books will be shipped to the school in mid-June. $15.25
General PTA Meeting - Tonight!
May 4th: General PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30 in the Lafayette Cafeteria.
It’s the annual Budget Vote! We will be proposing and voting on a final School Year 23/24 Budget at this important meeting. Please join us!
We also need volunteers to help cheer on and count bikers/scooters/walkers, hand out raffle tickets, and help students lock their bikes up every morning throughout the month of May. Sign up for one (or more!) days HERE.
Good Society Dine Out - May 9th
Join us the second Tuesday of each month to dine out at Good Society for a good cause. Please mention "Lafayette" when ordering.
Spring Enrichment: Volunteers Needed!
We're still looking for volunteers for all three Enrichment days - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. If you are able to volunteer for the 10-week session, you'll get free tuition for your kiddo in a class of your choice! If you aren’t able to commit to the full 10 weeks, are you interested in being a substitute if our volunteer is not available? Please talk to Lia Aprile if you have any questions!
AUCTION: See you Saturday!
It’s Auction Week! Get your Rockstar costumes ready and come rock out to raise money for our wonderful school! The karaoke band will be jamming all night! Any questions, check out our website: Rock of Ages
It's time to dust off that bike, find missing helmets, and remember what the bike lock code is. All students are invited to participate by biking/walking/scooting/skipping to school during May.
Raffle prizes will be given out during the month to students that participate. Tracking calendars will be handed out the week of April 24 (also attached).
We also need volunteers to help cheer on and count bikers/scooters/walkers, hand out raffle tickets, and help students lock their bikes up every morning throughout the month. Sign up for one (or more!) days HERE.
S. Lander School Street Test
Starting Wednesday April 19th, SDOT will implement a 30 day test of a School Street on S Lander Street, between California Ave SW and 45th Ave SW. School Streets are in effect 7AM to 5PM on school days. When possible, walk, roll, or bike with your child to school.
Join the 2023-24 PTA Board!
Any level of participation is welcome and encouraged. This is your community, this is your school, and we can’t wait to learn how you’d like to get involved. Lafayette PTA is a non-profit organization, driven by inspiration, supporting student enrichment opportunities within the community.
Staff Appreciation Week: May 1st-5th
Monday 5/1: Make ‘em Laugh Monday - Bring in your teacher’s favorite snack with a joke on a note
Tuesday 5/2: Teaching Tuesday - Bring in flowers with a note sharing something they taught you this year
Wednesday 5/3: Write a Letter Wednesday - letting your teacher + staff know how much they mean to you
Thursday 5/4: Throw Some Love to Staff Thursday - PTA will provide a poster for all children to sign
Friday 5/5: Food for Thought Friday - bring in a special treat for your teacher to show your appreciation
General PTA Meeting Volunteers
Interested in Volunteering to provide complimentary childcare during the General PTA meetings? Email us!
General PTA Meeting - May 4th
May 4th: General PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30 in the Lafayette Cafeteria.
It’s the annual Budget Vote! We will be proposing and voting on a final School Year 23/24 Budget at this important meeting. Please join us!
AUCTION: Volunteers Needed!
The auction is quickly approaching! Get your Rockstar costumes ready and come rock out to raise money for our wonderful school! The karaoke band will be jamming all night! Any questions, check out our website: Rock of Ages
Auction - Wine Pull Donations Needed by 4/21!
WINE PULL DONATIONS: If you are able, please donate a bottle of wine (valued at $25 and up) by Friday April 21st for our Auction.